Causes Of Baldness And Grey Hair Identified


Causes Of Baldness And Grey Hair Identified

Causes Of Baldness And Grey Hair Identified


Hair is one of the important structure which denotes or considered as a symbol of one’s beauty and physique!! Irrespective of age, everyone gives a lot of importance to hair and wish to have the black, thick, long and shiny!!

Unfortunately, hair is one of that structure which picks up the signs of ageing early and turns grey in colour. It is also one of the structures which lay off due to various reasons and results in baldness in men and partial baldness or decreased volume of hair in women!!

Hair loss or greying of hair in younger individuals is highly a matter of concern and requires immediate intervention. Before we think over the management of the hair conditions, let us understand the causes of baldness and grey hair! Various studies were conducted and the causes of baldness and grey hair were identified!!

Causes are –

  • An absence of SCF, Stem Cell Factor which is responsible for the pigment of the hair
  • An absence of KROX20, protein which promotes hair growth

The study was not aimed at finding the cause of baldness or grey hair, but the study ended up finding the cause of both!

Knowing the cause, helped for recent advancement and better treatment options for those suffering from baldness and grey hair!!!

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